
The First Financial Health Program.

This is NOT about ‘wellbeing’.

This is about financial HEALTH.

1 Initiative to Solve 5 Serious Issues: ​

Helping women overcome this gap is not a luxury or a nice to have. If you want all their talent and contribution, help them get this topic out of the way so they can dare to think and contribute big.

1. Increasing Absenteeism 


Once participants are more confident about their finances, they will happily give back to the company.

2. Have the Good Talent Stay


As they say, “The best leave first.” Ensure this does not happen to your company.


3. Easy Future Recruitment


A strong employer brand attracts incredible talent that otherwise would be super hard to get.

4. Good Business Results


Studies have shown: Financially empowered employees are more engaged and productive.

5. Achieve your DEI Goals 


Partner with a women-owned business based in Germany, renowned for its quality and reliability.

Workplaces across industries making impact through fin:marie so far:

The First True Financial Health Training Program

team fin:marie June 2024

At fin:marie, as a woman-owned business and mostly female team, we feel responsible for making sure that our training and tools enable a very noticeable, in some cases dramatically positive shift for our participants.



Fin:Fit is a 6-month program designed specifically for your female employees, focusing on finance, retirement planning, and investing. This program empowers women to achieve financial confidence and security while enhancing their long-term financial health.



Program Itinerary:


  • Kick-Off Event (1 day)
  • Core Workshops
  • Deep dive sessions 
  • Individual Coaching Sessions
  • Ongoing access to cutting-edge online fintech tools
  • Closing event and presentation of results 


Topics on the Agenda: 


  • Overall Intro
  • Budgeting
  • Saving
  • Investing
  • Debt Management
  • Financial Health Mindset

All set up for life-changing impact.


on leadership positions


B2B workshops with top clients



Feedback from Clients

With "FDB Schwaben", "Thomas Dehler Foundation" and finmarie, we offered an online workshop on the topic of personal finances. Ms Decker inspired the 150 participants with her expertise and also managed to answer all questions. Highly recommended, a friendly and courteous team, with the best professional expertise and empathy!

Daniela Busse

FDB Schwaben

The workshop was very professionally prepared as well as performed and followed up. We can highly recommend the cooperation with finmarie in the area of ​​personal development!

Anne Fromme-Schoen


The workshop was uplifting, full of useful and practical knowledge. Karolina has a great way to show financial management less complicated than it seems and that we are all capable of determining our own financial future.


The First True Financial Health Training Program

that is nothing less than truly transformative

The pandemic has shown radically clear: The economic system is severely broken for women. While some financial education initiatives exist already, all of them fail to honestly address the reality of women’s lives in the here and now.

1 Mio. € LESS


Less cumulative lifetime

earnings [for women

due to pay and

career gaps]

60% LESS


Less pension money women vs. men in Germany [! In the EU alone, these investment + pension gaps affect over 200 million women.]

268 Years


According to the World Economic Forum it will take 268 years to close the economic gender gap - that is, if things don’t change.

given these facts, it is safe to say: "Women can do with any help & support they can get."

Karolina Decker CEO finmarie

Meet Karolina Decker, CEO & founder of fin:marie


Originally from Poland and with a solid background in the banking industry, Karolina had noticed how difficult women vs. finance was. She got into action.


She is now not only the CEO of fin:marie but also the initiator of Pan-European NGO MindtheGap and teenager/young kids focussed Schulgold.


Karolina is the author of the book “Finance is Female.” As a mother of three kids, she is inspired by how to shape their future every day. She is known for her amazing ability to focus, share power, and enable other women.

Let's talk about how we can work together

or send an email to:

Questions you might get asked

and some answers that might help

Our pricing is based on benchmarking against similar corporate training and development programs.

High-quality leadership development programs often range from €5,000 to €10,000 per participant. Our program offers additional value through its comprehensive approach, tailored content, and long-term impact.

Yes. We offer this program in person and online. Travel and accommodation for in-person sessions not included in the price of the offer and it will be discussed during the agreement. 

We provide financial education and money management programs to help employees strengthen their financial habits, achieve investing and saving goals, and secure their financial and retirement future. A six-month program offers the most significant impact on your employees’ financial health. However, we understand that not every company has the budget for a long-term commitment. That’s why we also offer flexible options for startups and smaller companies, including individual workshops ranging from 2 hours to a full day.

Well, we would wish it was different and we pray we will live to see it being unnecessary, at the same time… if we would like to live in a world where women have the same access to financial wealth (and health), we will have to start with filling the competence and confidence gap. Hint: Things will speed up massively if big players such as your company will progress the game!

We think and know: No. It does not. If it is not set up deliberately with women’s realistic lives and challenges in mind and a LOT of respect for that, chances are, it will miss its goal.

We usually recommend a number from 10 to 100, depending on how interactive the workshop should be. 

Money is a sensible topic in most cultures, we know. Comparisons (such as with Scandinavia) show that transparency and demystification are powerful tools to get this ‘monster’ out of the closet. Money earned, contribution to the business, economic participation and leadership are closely linked. 2 main advantages: The money employees earn will feel like more as it is made better use of. And: The confidence around it and making important decisions will create just that – confident decision makers for your leadership positions pipeline.


Nope, not here, not this time. This initiative is all about creating a safe space without judgment to ease a behaviour and mindset change. Having said that, we are aware that the men in the lives of the women participating in the initiative can be vital enablers or roadblocks. We, therefore, have plans to provide couple coaching. If you’re interested in adding this to your program, give us a heads-up!

They are humans and in any given group we have seen a relatively classic spread between: 30% listening, acting later, 25% start to act immediately, about 15% are not really ready for it yet. It might be a good idea to invite the people who have the most sense of urgency and/or inclination to act first, so they can serve as an inspiration to the others.