Ich bin zertifizierte Finanzanlagenvermittlerin und besitzt die Geschäftserlaubnis nach §34f GewO.
Bevor ich finmarie gründete, arbeitete ich mehr als 10 Jahre in internationalen Banken. Dabei habe ich festgestellt, dass Frauen Finanzen anders angehen. Sie stellen andere Fragen und haben andere Bedürfnisse als Männer.
Meine Mission: Dir die nötige Finanzbildung zu geben, um dich selbstbestimmt mit einem Plan in deine finanzielle Zukunft zu schicken!
Forget about free pizzas; there’s a more impactful way to show your employees that you
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The autumn report of the leading German economic institutes has arrived and at first glance
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Everything is getting more expensive.” Many people probably know this sentence from their grandparents. In
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If you are wondering how you can save more money or you want to know
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Among other reasons, a lot of women shy away from investing, because they cannot figure
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According to recent researches it is especially women and millennials that keep pushing sustainable investments.
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According to a 2015 OECD study, the risk for German women to slide into old-age
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Traditionally, International Saving Day, what World Savings Day is called, too, takes place on October
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Child allowances In Germany, families are entitled to a federal child support and many
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