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How Is finmarie Different From Other Asset Building Platforms?

How Is FinMarie Different From Other Asset Building Platforms?


Have you been looking for an asset building platform that’s familiar with the living conditions and life reality of women? Don’t you feel comfortable with financial advisors that are intransparent and male focused?


Then it’s about time to get to know finmarie — a team of female financial consultants that offer an innovative approach to investment for women and a long over-due alternative to all the ordinary asset building platforms out there.


Our Motivation: Women Are Missing Out On Money Matters

On average, women live about five years longer than men. This means, as a woman, you are likely to reach a point in life when you will be left completely on your own — including financially. But it’s not just their longer life expectancy which puts women at greater financial risk.


Other aspects of inequality in society, prolonged unemployment, child-rearing, divorce, for instance, also play a strong part. Add the fact that 21 percent of women currently earn less than their male counterparts in a comparable role and you get a slight idea of why women are massively missing out on money matters.


In its latest Global Gender Gap Report, the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that it will take 217 years to reach income equity between men and women. In Germany, business and politics sectors have a staggering 45 percent pay gap. According to the report, in 2017, there were setbacks in all fields researched (health and wellbeing, education, political participation, economic opportunities). Particularly alarming, however, was a backwards step in politics and economics — fields that have the greatest influence on the gender imbalance.


It’s obvious that women face a number of challenges. This is why it’s so important to be bolder when dealing with money. At the very start of your career, or even sooner, we urge you to think about how you can invest your assets effectively and in reconciliation with your life situation.


Because one thing is clear: a statutory pension won’t be enough to keep you financially independent after you retire. The question is: What will you do instead?


Our advice: Turn to a financial advisor you can trust to understand you. On finmarie’s asset building platform we offer a holistic approach to investment for women that covers everything from financial literacy to personal consulting with out financial advisors.


finmarie Helps Women Track And Optimize Their Net Worth

finmarie is Germany’s first online asset building platform by women for women. Our investment platform is focused on the lives of women. It works like a personal investment advisor helping you increase your assets in the short or the long run, depending on your circumstances and goals.


With our company, all women — young and old, single and married, mothers and workaholics — can learn to confidently deal with finances and navigate the jungle of stocks, funds, asf. By keeping track of decisions to build your wealth, you gain a deeper understanding of your savings and investments, and develop an overview of your personal situation and future financial opportunities.


More importantly, we’ll never make a move without you: You always get to decide the next steps on your path to asset accumulation.


How Does finmarie Do This?

By taking into account your individual situation and developing a completely customized investment portfolio.


In consultation with you, our team invests in globally diversified, cost-effective exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Thanks to their high quality, broad diversification and low risk, ETFs currently represent an ideal investment.


Why ETFs Offer Meaningful Opportunities Towards Financial Independence?

ETFs combine the benefits of stocks and funds in one product. They can be understood as a kind of copy of a basic stock index, such as the DAX. They don’t need a fund manager and are, hence, an independent alternative to traditional investment funds.


In addition, they are affordable and easy to maintain, and therefore well-suited to newcomers in asset building. The units of an ETF are traded directly on a stock exchange and not linked to an investment company. They reflect the evolution of a variety of investments, albeit in a single security. For investors, this means they can buy an entire stock market index, an entire industry or even an entire asset class and still keep track of it quickly and easily.

Why Choose FinMarie Over Other Asset Building Platforms?

finmarie has the right form of investment for women of all age, income range, and living background — whether you’re an intern, a mother or a grandmother. Contrary to traditional financial advisors, FinMarie does not require a minimum investment.


It’s up to you how much you want to invest at every stage.


Essentially, finmarie is a cross-over of traditional financial advice and a robo-advisor asset building platform.


We offer classic financial advice to all women, no matter their living circumstances. And we propose an investment for women that is especially tailored to those with little or no experience in the financial market.


Questions? Send us a message here or book a free 15 Consultation call. We look forward to hearing from you!


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